Zen Practice
Zen practice emphasizes the following qualities:
Stillness: settling down in mind and body.
Perseverance: staying with all the ups and downs of our lives.
Clear seeing: clarifying our conditioned beliefs and strategies.
Willingness: acknowledging and embracing whatever life presents—including anger, fear, shame, and confusion—as the path of awakening.
Loving-kindness: awakening to the loving-kindness and compassion that are the nature of our being.
Integral Practice includes and adds:
Waking up: As in Zen practice above and/or other practices such as Advaita Vedanta, Christian Mysticism, Kabbala, Tibetan Buddhism, Therevada Buddhism, Sufism, etc.
Growing up: being aware of and taking into account the human stages of development.
Cleaning up: working with disowned shadow material.
Showing up: finding ways to serve humanity/others.