Go Ahead and Cry

Go Ahead and Cry

Go ahead and cry.
Shed your tears of sorrow
for all the pain you witness.
Shed your tears of sorrow
for the suffering you see caused by
Go ahead and cry for the
wounded and for those who have inflicted wounds.
Cry for all of us!
We are all worthy of this sorrow
aren’t we?
Cry for the worried and the frightened,
for the angry and the broken hearted.
Go ahead and cry for the dead and the living.
Take a moment to notice that place within you that feels
so hardened and guarded, and soften to your own sorrow.
Let the wall you keep around your heart crumble
and allow the warmth of your ability to love
enter through the soft place left by your tears.

And when you rise up from your meditation seat
let that softening carry you forward
toward everyone and everything you meet.
Go forward with your most loving heart,
the heart of awareness.
and offer that love to your tears
and the tears of the world,
omitting no one! By Diane Moore

Go ahead and Cry

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