Background as a Lay Zen Monk & Energy Psychology
I provide a background as a lay Zen monk. I also practice energy psychology with the best of fast, effective, super-comprehensive energy psychology tools that transform the subconscious mind. The effectiveness begins with those modalities having an unparalleled ability to clear faulty existing programming leading directly to the lynchpin, the root of the difficulty. Because my methods are so direct, it requires amazingly little time to free yourself of the same negative programming that is the source of so much frustration and wrong turns. Learn more about Energy Healing, Spiritual Healing, Muscle Testing & Mental Clarity.

These methods work with any difficulty you present, often even physical pain. Eighty percent of all physical pain is emotionally generated.
The human brain operates just like a computer. This means improved operating systems cannot be installed over faulty programming without creating chaos. This, explains why the Law of Attraction so often fails to work for you. As we work together, I use muscle testing every step of the way. Thus ensuring our work is guided by your highest self, rather than by me. Learn more about Energy Healing, Spiritual Healing, Muscle Testing & Mental Clarity.
Have you ever wondered if you are better served by psychology or spiritual guidance? I don’t see an essence difference. Both are about developing a strong observer. The primary difference is that spiritual guidance digs deeper and soars higher. Emmergenc/spiritual healing is where psychology and metaphysics meet to midwife the emergence of your True-Self.